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Email deliverability
Email deliverability is a measure of how many of your emails actually reach your subscribers’ inboxes, often expressed as a percentage. And it’s a growing problem.
Email providers such as Gmail, Yahoo, and others are continually coming up with new ways to keep spam out of their users’ inboxes.
Whenever you send an email, they will verify that it’s legit and did actually come from the source it claims to.
As spam keeps getting worse (and more clever), internet service providers and email service providers are tightening their restrictions.
What we’re seeing is that they’re starting to block many emails that previously would have gone through and been delivered with no issues.
Sometimes they may end up in the spam folder, but just as often they never even get delivered at all. Are your emails reaching their destination?
Unfortunately, you won’t get notified if your emails are being blocked. They just disappear for good.So how do you find out whether they’re being delivered?
The first thing you’ll need to do is perform an email deliverability test to identify any potential issues. For solution please contact us.